miércoles, 24 de junio de 2020


Unas bonitas palabras nos llegaron hoy desde la India


Tras haber suspendido la fase 2 del intercambio debido a la pandemia mundial... 
por seguridad para todos!


Una de las situaciones más tristes este año fue no haber podido hacer realidad nuestro tan anhelado sueño de viajar a España.  Sin embargo, nos sentimos bendecidos por haber tenido la oportunidad de compartir con quienes, luego de vivir innumerables experiencias durante su intercambio en India, se convirtieron en nuestros amigos entrañables.  De todo corazón, esperamos que se encuentren bien y que algún día podamos volver a encontrarnos.  Amigos como ustedes son los que nos permiten entender que las diferencias culturales, lingüísticas, raciales o religiosas no nos separan, por el contrario, nos unen y nos hacen mejores seres humanos.
«La gente no hace viajes, son los viajes los que hacen a la gente».    John Steinbeck

Esperamos tenerles pronto por aquí!

Ahora a seguir todos cuidándonos para que la normalidad vuelva!

Os queremos!

domingo, 11 de marzo de 2018



Cuaderno de trabajo en India (By SEK)




Viaje a India

India Exchange 2017-18

22 November  – 2 December, 2017


Name: __________________________________________________________


Research the following areas about India.



Mumbai 2012


Sports and Music


Famous Indians












  1. Why have you chosen to go to India? What do you hope to achieve?

  1. How do you think it will make you feel living with a family from a different culture?

  1. Why are we doing service activities in an Indian Village?

  1. How will it make you feel to be faced with real poverty?

  1. How do you think it will make the people in the village feel when you travel from Europe to help them?

  1. What aspects of the trip are you most looking forward to?

  1. What aspects of the trip to India are you worried about?

  1. What are other ways can we help people less fortunate than ourselves?

  1. Is it possible that, although we think we are helping, we might be making things worse? How can we try and avoid this situation?

  1. Any other thoughts about your trip to India?



 My diary

Something that made me feel ……… happyface1.jpg

Something that made me feel …… sad face.jpg

My diary

Something that made me feel ……… happyface1.jpg

Something that made me feel …… sad face.jpg

My diary

Something that made me feel ……… happyface1.jpg

Something that made me feel …… sad face.jpg

My diary

Something that made me feel ……… happyface1.jpg

Something that made me feel …… sad face.jpg

My diary

Something that made me feel ……… happyface1.jpg

Something that made me feel …… sad face.jpg

My diary

Something that made me feel ……… happyface1.jpg

Something that made me feel …… sad face.jpg

My diary

Something that made me feel ……… happyface1.jpg

Something that made me feel …… sad face.jpg

My diary

Something that made me feel ……… happyface1.jpg

Something that made me feel …… sad face.jpg

My diary

Something that made me feel ……… happyface1.jpg

Something that made me feel …… sad face.jpg

My diary

Something that made me feel ……… happyface1.jpg

Something that made me feel …… sad face.jpg

My diary

Something that made me feel ……… happyface1.jpg

Something that made me feel …… sad face.jpg

My diary

Something that made me feel ……… happyface1.jpg

Something that made me feel …… sad face.jpg

My diary

Something that made me feel ……… happyface1.jpg

Something that made me feel …… sad face.jpg

My diary

Something that made me feel ……… happyface1.jpg

Something that made me feel …… sad face.jpg

Use the guiding questions from your planning and the following to help you with your final reflection.
  • What have I learned?
  • Will what I have done affect my actions in the future?
  • Has it changed the way I see the world?
  • What could I do in the future to continue the service that I provided?
  • As an individual and as a society, how can injustice and inequality be addressed?
  • Should we try to change inequality and injustice or are they a product of human nature?
